Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Okay...So...It's the Holiday Season

Let's do it one more time. Or...let's forget about it one more time. Or...let's hide from it again this year like we did two years ago. Shall we trim the tree or get a dead branch and decorate it like I did the year my last child left home. Shall I send Christmas cards? Shall I make one of those letters? And what about Christmas Eve? Why do I feel differently about Christmas every single year? What's up with that!!! Why is Christmas such a hard-ass question mark? How come it's so full of STUFF?!&*(^^%%&%$r*&^(*)_(!!!@@@


Anonymous said...

As Andy Williams once sang,

It's the holiday season...
So whoop-dee-doo
And dick-or-y dock
And don't forget
To hang up your sock

That seems to sum it up pretty good, doesn't it?

Mom said...

Yes, it does, and don't forget the Pork Martini!