This is a post for those of my friends who were concerned about my State of Mind, regarding my last post. Never fear! I am a most resilient person and almost immediately after writing that post I felt much, much better. I am now looking forward to retirement again, especially the opportunity to visit with my children and grandchildren--longer trips--maybe even in the Summer, which I can't do now. Thank you for your kind comments and concern, Irene and Maria. You are very dear.
The picture is of me, my Mother and my daughter, Erin, in Scotland in the Spring of 2006. I will take my mother to see my other daughter, Carolyn, in San Diego, maybe in September. And who knows, Maria, one day I might show up on your doorstep! I've always wanted to go to Spain!
I´m so pleased! I'm delighted for you!
Thanks for write about your state of mind. I´m not worry now. :-)
And, If you show up on my doorstep you will be welcome because you´re always welcome here.
Kisses Grandma Christine
Ooh I love that picture! George was so funny and wonderful.
Ok, Ok, I think I fixed the comment thingy on my blog. As the boys say, "Try again, Mummy!"
Good! I will go there this a.m. and see if I can comment on that crazy knitting talk! One of your comments didn't make it on this particular post.
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