Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pulling Myself Together

Continuing with the thoughts of the last post--I think retirement will morph, evolve, change into other purposes in other times. This morning, reading Romancing the Ordinary by Sarah Ban Breathnach, I found this passage about "psychically puttering" , a way of regrouping:

"Writer Judith Thurman offers this: staring at a fire, watching the rain, listening to music, reading catalogs, stenciling a picture frame, fantasizing about an old flame, doing a double-acrostic while drinking an entire pot of expresso, trying to explain oneself telephathically to one's mother, writing a seductively critical letter to a famous novelist that will never get mailed, sorting one's panty hose by color, studying palmistry or ancient Greek, making an evening purse from the scraps of some old silk ties..." Breathnach continues: In other words, doing nothing important to the rest of the world, but something vital for your sanity".

That appears to be the stage of "retirement" I am in at present. Finding pleasure in doing nothing important to the rest of the world. I think I'll go sort my panty hose now.


Dee said...

I find that much of my life is like what you describe. :) In a good way like you say!

Mom said...

Thanks for saying so, Deana. Did you realize we both live in Silverdale? How did you find my blog, by the way?