Tis hard to tell which is best: music, food, beer or rest. - Anonymous
That about says it for me! I love all those things--the only thing that's left out of that quote is reading. Last night 5 beautiful women were talking about addictions to drugs and alcohol, because we either have had these addictions or have someone close to use with them. After a long, sort of depressing but fascinating talk about addiction we started to fess up to our own addictions. 4 of the 5 of us stated that food (which we were eating lots of), wine/beer(which we were drinking lots of) and reading were our obsessions of choice. One left out the wine/beer but listed food and reading and the 5th admitted to being a video game player--she is an engineer and has a 13 year old son and all three game systems and she told us all about Spore. But reading, boys and girls, is so much an addiction for me that if I don't get to read "my book" during the day at some point, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with an insatiable need to read. I have a light I can use that won't disturb husband sound asleep at my side, called a Book Wedge, which I highly recommend! I get it out and my book is always at the ready and I get my fix in. And then I can sleep. Oh, and I almost forgot about my addiction to GOOD coffee with freshly ground beans, black, no sugar.
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