Christmas is coming and we are getting fat, let alone the goose. Lots of cookies and goodies are on the kitchen counter and I love to bake at Christmas, so I will be making more. My oldest daughter and her fabulous husband are here now and we are all tapping away on our laptops and humming Christmas songs and planning to bake today--french bread and more cookies. More snow is coming, and so is another daughter and Christmas is only 2 days away. This will be one for the weather record books, and for the personal record books, too. How long has it been since I had so many of my children close at this time of year? It's been almost two decades. 18 years. We have all changed and not changed. I am still Mom and my daughters are still little girls to me, even if they have children of their own and my eldest was offered a senior discount the other day, though she is still at least 10 years away from qualifying. That daughter still has a sneeze just like mine and loves sweets, just like me, and is smart and funny. Youngest daughter sounds exactly like me and is just as opinionated. We start out right where we left off, even if it was 2 1/2 years ago. Oldest daughter and I went to Scotland in 2006 and we are enjoying remembering our favorite parts. We be taking many, many pictures to remember this event because it isn't likely to repeat itself soon. I'll put them on another post, so you can see my girls with their Mom.
I'm trying to convince someone else to go outside and make a snowman with me to surprise my little grandson who will be here on Christmas Day, but so far there are no takers. We are readers, writers, thinkers and not big action takers. Fabulous Husband of Daughter was outside chopping and hauling wood this morning, being very useful and he has helped with dishes several times, so his action-taking is at a pretty high level, but I can't blame the rest of them--it's cold out there. I hope all of you are managing to stay warm and cozy and have all your shopping done and plenty of food in the larder. Enjoy the beauty of the snow--we don't get to see this much of it very often. So far the lights have stayed on and we haven't had any adverse affects, so we can be pretty blithe about it. Hope all is going well for you, too!
1 comment:
Christine, beautiful pics! So glad you will have loving family surrounding you during the next week or so!!
Let me know if you can access the Snowpocalypse 2008 pics I posted on MySpace:
If that doesn't work, try to access the same pics on Facebook:
Surrogate Daughter Kelly
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