Monday, December 07, 2009

Ali's World

I got a phone call from my granddaughter, Alison, last week. She wanted to tell "rescue" stories and play games over the phone, which I love to do with her. At one point she said, "Why don't you and Grandma Margy come for Christmas?" I had just visited her before Thanksgiving, in Wisconsin, and so my reply was, "I'm sorry, honey, I don't have enough money to fly back there again so soon."

"But Grandma, you have a LOT of coins in your purse!"

"I would need lots of dollars to buy a plane ticket", I replied.

"It's Christmas, Grandma, you can BUY money!"


Anonymous said...

Aren't they just the sweetest things.. the things they come up with. You should write a grandma list of the things grands say. Like "Grandma, will you please live to be 100?" I'll do my best

Mom said...

I wish I saw them often enough to collect the things they say--their Mom does a good job of posting the sweet things they say and do, thank goodness.

erinkristi said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Buy money! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I want to live in HER world!

Mom said...

Me, too!!!!!

Irene said...

Oh, her world is a very strange place.

Mom said...

I would characterize it more as a Delightful World! She makes me laugh so hard!

Irene said...

Yeah, let me know when you find a good place to buy money.