Friday, December 30, 2011

Travel Fashion Observations

We got back from Utah Wednesday and went out to Silver City Brewing last night.  While waiting to be seated at the restaurant I noticed that the young guys coming into the place were all dressed in jeans, most with torn knees, sport shoes (not white tennis shoes but the kind you ride bikes with or climb rocks with), flannel shirts and knit hats.  The tee-shirts varied, but most were black with some kind of message on them.  I hadn't realized until I saw all these guys that I had missed the "northwest style".

In Utah, the style is camo.  Camo shirts, jackets, ball caps, pants, gloves.  The footwear of choice is hunting boots.  At least in my sister-in-law's family.  There was a little more pink among the girls in the family.  But even the girls wear camo pajamas and underwear!  This is not a look I like as it conjures up hunting parties hauling home deer and bear.  And in fact, sister-in-law's house is dotted with animal heads and stuffed birds.  They even have a bear rug.  All of the family are gentle Mormons but they love to camp, hunt and fish.

We went to Vegas, too, and my observation about fashion there was that most people were wearing black.  There are people from all over the world there and I often felt like a minority to all the Asian and Middle Eastern people we encountered.  I guess the universal color is black.  Even at Christmas people were wearing black.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been told when one lands at SeaTac airport you can tell you're in Washington. Washingtonians have a style of their own. Hmmmm why haven't I noticed. LOL, I'm a Washingtonian.