Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Plus-sized Barbie?


This link will take you to an article on the Huffington Post, with an illustration that was done when it was suggested that Barbie is not the norm (duh!) and maybe there should be a plus-sized Barbie.  If you read the article you will see that it started with a Facebook post and that several readers thought that there should be a "regular" sized Barbie--but what is regular-sized?  And at what age should these measurements be taken?  19 years old was suggested.  What do you think?  When I was 19, I weighted 120 pounds and had perfect measurements.  "Perfect" at that time meant hips and bust the same measurement and waist 10 inches smaller.  Shortly thereafter, at age 20, after my first baby was born, I was considerably bigger all over.  I'm wondering why little girls would play with a doll who is 19.  But then I was not in the era of Barbie and my daughters were barely in that era.  My dolls were baby dolls and theirs were Chatty Cathy's.  This goes to the question of how quickly do we want our girls to grow up, what do we want their images of a grown woman to be, and where in Hell did Barbie come from????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barbie is evil. We have one in our house - safely tucked away in a box up in the loft. Zuzu got it for her birthday last year. She got an equally disturbing doll this year, but she just undresses her and laughs at her buttcrack. Oh to be 6.

That said, I had Barbies when I was little and I turned out ok.
