Friday, January 27, 2006
Sad Day
It's a sad day in BlogLand. Brown Shoes has lost her Jack. Take a moment of silence and think about all the dogs we've loved and lost. And send good vibrations over Brown Shoe's way.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Death By Chocolate

Okay...So...I think by now we've all heard Ray "New Orleans" Nagin giving his speech about his city and how it has to be "A Chocolate New Orleans". Poor old Ray. He just can't get it right, can he? I kind of feel sorry for the guy because obviously he is woefully unaware of what happens when you speak in front of microphones. Lo and behold, everyone hears you. You're on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, local channels, foreign channels, radio, newspapers, comedy shows and best of all, The Daily Show. Poor old Ray better stop talking.
He'll have Jessie Jackson down on him soon, because Jessie has The Rainbow Coalition and Rainbows got nothin' to do with Chocolate as Brown Shoes will tell you. Or Ray could just call on Weird Johnnie D., who has spent some time with chocolate lately, to help him with his quest. Really, this could be a new direction for New Orleans. Instead of the cry from the street to "Show us your tits" it could be "Show us your Chocolate" and instead of those silly beads you could get something useful and tasty. The French have pretty good chocolate which they could sell in the French Quarter. They got great chefs down there who could whip up Cajun Gourmet Chocolate Treats. I think I would be more apt to visit New O if they were known for Chocolate rather than for hookers on the street 24/7 and the worst police force in the country. Maybe Ray is onto something...and even George Bush cares about Chocolate.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Somewhere over the.....

There's one good thing about all this rain. Today there is also sunshine, and somewhere out there you know there's some pretty splendid rainbows!!! So, today, instead of singing "Singing in the Rain", we can add Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Here Comes the Sun, Let the Sun Shine In, and other cheerier fare. There is a rule about rainbows, as to where to look for them, that is. It's like if the sun is in the South, look for the rainbow in the ______. Fill in the blank 'cause I don't know the direction. I heard this only once and it didn't stick. So I'll just look up! Here's to looking up!
Monday, January 09, 2006
A Better Post?
Some people are so demanding! Didn't like my last post. Guess Fossil Guy thought I proselitizing or something. Hey, it ain't a religion, it just works for me and I wanted to "share"! Well, maybe this is a better topic: my 83 year old Mother broke her ankle on Saturday and now all hell is breaking loose. I'd much rather irrigate my sinuses than have to deal with this kind of real life!!!!!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Nasal Irrigation's a weird subject I know, but I'm like a reformed smoker or a successful dieter or a reborn Christian and so I have to tell you about it!
I have been seeing lots of sick people lately, at work, via email, in the Malls, all coughing, blowing their noses, clearing their throats and I just want to stop them and tell them what I have discovered. But I can't really do that--I'd get arrested--so I'm going to use this blog to spread the Good Word. NASAL IRRIGATION!!!!
If just anyone had told me to do this, I would have probably laughed and forgotten about it. Oh yeah, squirt a bunch of water up your nose--sounds like fun--he-he. However, since a bonified Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor told me to do this, I gave it a try. I had bad sinus problems, headaches, throat clearing, snoring, blowing my nose all the time, sneezing many times in a row. So I went to the ENT doc and said HELP ME!!! He gave me this sheet of paper with very simple instructions on it and the prescription to do it EVERY day. Here is the recipe:
one baby-sized plastic syringe (you know, the one with the squeezy bulb)
1 cup of warm, not hot, tap water
1/4 teaspoon of table salt
1 pinch of baking soda
Sounds a little kinky when you see the recipe, but folks get your minds out of the gutter--this is for your NOSE.
Put the salt and soda in the cup of warm water and mix it up.
Fill the bulb with the water and squirt the liquid up one of your nostrils. Keep bent over a bit while doing this, otherwise the water will go down your throat--not a bad thing but it could make you gag.
Continue to fill and squirt in one nostril and then the other until the water is gone.
What have you done? You have affectively cleared your nasal passages of germs and foreign objects (like lint and dust) and you have also moistened them. Do this in the shower or bathtub or over the sink every day. I am telling you, people, this will keep you healthy, or get you healthy if you aren't. I have been doing it now for many months and I hardly ever sneeze anymore or have to (sorry) pick things out of my dry nose and I haven't gotten that evil cold yet. Knock on wood.
Give it a try and see if it doesn't help you feel better!
I have been seeing lots of sick people lately, at work, via email, in the Malls, all coughing, blowing their noses, clearing their throats and I just want to stop them and tell them what I have discovered. But I can't really do that--I'd get arrested--so I'm going to use this blog to spread the Good Word. NASAL IRRIGATION!!!!
If just anyone had told me to do this, I would have probably laughed and forgotten about it. Oh yeah, squirt a bunch of water up your nose--sounds like fun--he-he. However, since a bonified Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor told me to do this, I gave it a try. I had bad sinus problems, headaches, throat clearing, snoring, blowing my nose all the time, sneezing many times in a row. So I went to the ENT doc and said HELP ME!!! He gave me this sheet of paper with very simple instructions on it and the prescription to do it EVERY day. Here is the recipe:
one baby-sized plastic syringe (you know, the one with the squeezy bulb)
1 cup of warm, not hot, tap water
1/4 teaspoon of table salt
1 pinch of baking soda
Sounds a little kinky when you see the recipe, but folks get your minds out of the gutter--this is for your NOSE.
Put the salt and soda in the cup of warm water and mix it up.
Fill the bulb with the water and squirt the liquid up one of your nostrils. Keep bent over a bit while doing this, otherwise the water will go down your throat--not a bad thing but it could make you gag.
Continue to fill and squirt in one nostril and then the other until the water is gone.
What have you done? You have affectively cleared your nasal passages of germs and foreign objects (like lint and dust) and you have also moistened them. Do this in the shower or bathtub or over the sink every day. I am telling you, people, this will keep you healthy, or get you healthy if you aren't. I have been doing it now for many months and I hardly ever sneeze anymore or have to (sorry) pick things out of my dry nose and I haven't gotten that evil cold yet. Knock on wood.
Give it a try and see if it doesn't help you feel better!
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