There's one good thing about all this rain. Today there is also sunshine, and somewhere out there you know there's some pretty splendid rainbows!!! So, today, instead of singing "Singing in the Rain", we can add Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Here Comes the Sun, Let the Sun Shine In, and other cheerier fare. There is a rule about rainbows, as to where to look for them, that is. It's like if the sun is in the South, look for the rainbow in the ______. Fill in the blank 'cause I don't know the direction. I heard this only once and it didn't stick. So I'll just look up! Here's to looking up!
Oh I get it, it's a game!
"If the sun is in the South, look for the rainbow in the ______."
I'm going to go with "gay neighborhood."
I say if the sun is in the south
look for the rainbow in...
well, don't look for it in New Orleans, cause that's a chocolate city, and there's no rainbow in chocolate.
Is Jesse Jackson going to sue Ray for changing his Rainbow Coalition to Chocolate? I think he should! That'd be fun to watch!
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