Okay...So...I think by now we've all heard Ray "New Orleans" Nagin giving his speech about his city and how it has to be "A Chocolate New Orleans". Poor old Ray. He just can't get it right, can he? I kind of feel sorry for the guy because obviously he is woefully unaware of what happens when you speak in front of microphones. Lo and behold, everyone hears you. You're on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, local channels, foreign channels, radio, newspapers, comedy shows and best of all, The Daily Show. Poor old Ray better stop talking.
He'll have Jessie Jackson down on him soon, because Jessie has The Rainbow Coalition and Rainbows got nothin' to do with Chocolate as Brown Shoes will tell you. Or Ray could just call on Weird Johnnie D., who has spent some time with chocolate lately, to help him with his quest. Really, this could be a new direction for New Orleans. Instead of the cry from the street to "Show us your tits" it could be "Show us your Chocolate" and instead of those silly beads you could get something useful and tasty. The French have pretty good chocolate which they could sell in the French Quarter. They got great chefs down there who could whip up Cajun Gourmet Chocolate Treats. I think I would be more apt to visit New O if they were known for Chocolate rather than for hookers on the street 24/7 and the worst police force in the country. Maybe Ray is onto something...and even George Bush cares about Chocolate.
Thanks for the bottle of Single Malt Scotch. I consumed about a fifth of it last night (with chocolate) while celebrating the Seahawks win and watching West Wing and Grey's Anatomy.
Hmmmm. Nice combination. Keep New Orleans alive by eating chocolate!
Between Nagin and Pat Robertson, whom I refuse to admit is even in same state with me let alone in the same region, we've all been kept pretty amused. Go Seahawks. Go Bartlett.
Who is Bartlett? Amusing politicians are better than stealing politicians or lying politicians, don't you think?
I actually thought it was funny when Nagin said New Orleans would be a Chocolate City again. It's actually a reference to an old song by Parliamant:
"A chocolate city is no dream
It's my piece of the rock and I dig you, C.C.
God bless Chocolate City and its vanilla suburbs!"
Parliament, "Chocolate City"
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