My old pal, Fossil Guy, has helped me, or rather has done it all himself, to get my picture up on my site! I have been trying to do this for a long time and just didn't have the right combination for the Blog Safe. They don't make it real easy to do this, but Jim had the patience to keep trying things until he got it right! Thanks old buddy, old pal, no emphasis on the "old" but big emphasis on the buddy and the pal. This is one of the best things, blogging, that has come along in a long time and I love all you guys who keep doing it and keep visiting!
Yes, I do!
Yes, you do what? I can't quite understand your comment in the light of what I wrote. Yes, you do have patience? Yes you did it for me? Yes, you are a good buddy and pal? Or something completely different?!
Yes, you're old? Tee hee...
Glad you got the picture thing going. Now, if I just had time to take more pictures...
Well, yes to all those guesses too ... but more to the point, I was referring to your 'title'. Yes! - I do Rock!
I also sneaked back onto your site and replaced your avatar (picture) with one cropped down further so that your face shows up better.
Well thank you Fossil Rockin' Guy! You are a Prince of Men!
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