Friday, May 04, 2007

Right Now

Okay, so.....what's happening right now is that Republican politicos are debating whether Bill Clinton should be allowed in the White House, whether Scooter Libby should be pardoned and whether any one of them will make a good President. A couple days ago we were calling like crazy to vote for Melinda, Blake, Jordan or Lakisha as our next American Idol. Yesterday we recorded CSI on CBS and mourned the fact the Raines seems to have disappeared and so has Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, for sure. NBC is driving us crazy by starting programs 5 minutes late or later so we can't DVD them. This week The Sopranos will air episode 3 of the very, last (sob) season of their wonderful series. This week the sun has come out more that it has in the last two months with only a few sprinkles of rain. Today there is a Mexican potluck to celebrate Cinco De Mayo even though it is only el Cuatro de Mayo and I have made Fossil Guy's famous Jalapeno Pie, which everyone will love providing I have not used too many jalapeno slices. This Sunday my Mate will fly off to Utah to visit his Mom and deal with the Honey-Do list she has prepared for him. Nine days from today my son will be preparing Mother's Day dinner for me, his lovely, dear wife and his mother-in-law, right here in our State! Right now, today and yesterday and the day before, Fossil Guy was reacting to his first chemo session in not a very happy way. Right now he may be wondering if chemo is worth it. Right now I am thinking mostly of him and not much about anything else because, in the scheme of things, the aforementioned things that are happening right now or in a couple of days or last week, this is the one that is affecting me at the deepest level. It's all those other things that are helping me cope with this illness of my friend.

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