For a real assessment of the election, or a poetic view, or a personal view, or a world view, go over to Bookworm's blog. Here is the address: http://clearcreekgirl.blogpsot.com
As for me, I am glad it is almost over. It's been two years and it's been wearing and lately it's been ugly. I'm done and I've voted and I've given away almost all of my 45 buttons in only a week and it's looking good. Bookwork wants us to celebrate now and in the way she puts it, yes, let's celebrate now, but I'm still afraid that those who tipped those polls to the Obama side and who have made even the Sunday morning pundits speak as if it is already a done deal, I'm afraid they will think they don't need to vote. I heard someone on the radio this morning say, "Obama doesn't need my vote to win". Yikes! If too many people say that to themselves......
So VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. And get your sticker and wear it proudly and make sure all your friends and relatives have voted, no matter which side they are on, after all, voting is the only way we have any say at all, no matter how small our voice might be. Get rid of all the ones you think aren't doing the right thing for you and put in the ones you hope will do what you need. I wish "they" would send one of those little I've Voted stickers out with our absentee ballots. I'll just keep wearing my buttons, all of them, between now and Tuesday and let everyone know where I stand, just in case it matters to anyone. I have given my buttons to grocery store clerks, physical therapists, nurses, certification experts, receptionists, a college student, a person who leases senior apartments. All were thrilled to get a button. I am hoping that means something.
I don't envy Obama if he does win this election. My husband says, "Everyone will be watching and waiting for him to change things". I expect it was that way with John Kennedy, too. We had so much hope then--we loved his family, we loved how he seemed, elegant, smart, a savior. It's the same now. As Bookworm says, it's time. The whole country, the whole world, knows it's time. I didn't get to vote for Kennedy--I was only 16 when he ran for President. I didn't get to vote for Bobby Kennedy. I got to vote for many others, but it wasn't like now. I didn't feel the magic. I didn't feel the urgency. So this vote means everything. It means hope, it means my grandchildren's future, it means the future of our air and our climate, it means the future of young men in Iraq, it means the image of our country to the world.
I'm sorry to any of the people who read this blog that don't feel the same way I do. My husband doesn't either, so I don't live in an isolated world of only left-leaning people. If the other guy wins, then I hope he can do all those things I want--fix the climate, give us more efficient cars, make our medical system work better, make other countries like us again, bring those young men home. I will be pulling for him if he wins. It is time for everything to change and I think the other guy knows that, too, and Lord help us, he better not die while he's in office, if he gets in office! Or we'll get mavericky!
1 comment:
Ohhh...we don't want to get all mavericky!! I'm crossing my fingers for Obama....if it goes the other way, I am going to be quite depressed.
I didn't comment, but I liked your Autumn photos and it's also good to hear the updates on your Mom's health!
See you next Fri. 11/7 I hope?
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