Intended to: In September, 2007, after I retired from 9 to 5 work, I planned to get up early, put the coffee on, walk to the newspaper box 1/4 mile up the road, get the paper, come back, have coffee, read the paper.
Reality then: After a few days of cold morning walks to get the paper with no caffeine yet to fortify me, I gave up the notion of getting the paper before having coffee. I read the paper from the day before or sometimes went to get it. I did the crossword puzzles every day, except Saturday (too hard!). I often didn't actively exercise.
Reality now: After almost a year of the Kitsap Sun and its crosswords every morning I became dissatisfied with the Sun and now subscribe to the USA Today. I only do the Kitsap Sun Sunday crossword now, during the week, and get behind on my USA Todays because there is so much content I want to read every page of it, except for the Sports section. I am still drinking 2 to 2 1/2 cups of coffee while I read, still enjoying the KZOK radio in the background (The Bob Rivers Show), but now I start some days exercising with the guys of the Pentagon channel (Fit for Duty), Lt. Jason and others who lead me in Pilates or aerobics or kick boxing. I like them because they are no-nonsense types who tell you to get down on the deck now and give them 5 push-ups.
Interesting how things change. Who would have guessed a year ago that I'd be spending two days a week taking my Mom to physical therapy? I knew I'd be spending more time with her, but not this kind of time. And I thought I'd be visiting my old friends at work--I've been back exactly twice. Life is full. Time flies. There are not enough hours in the day. All those cliches apply.
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