I gave my husband a "page a day" calendar for Christmas. It was titled The Stupidest Things Ever Said or something like that. Every day he brings me the daily page home so that I can read the dopey things people have actually said. I have saved some of my favorites and I'll share them with you.
The oldest quote in the ones I've saved is from 1861:
"I am tired of all this sort of thing called science here...We have spent millions in that sort of thing for the last few years, and it is time it should be stopped." Senator Simon Cameron speaking about the Smithsonian Institute
Anybody who watches The Big Bang Theory will wonder if this is a Sheldon quote but it isn't:
"This is strictly a pantagraphic hauntography of proto-manic motherworlds. Mysteriograms of toposonic radiances are deconstructed and raptoluminal resonances at residual numinophillic nemeta sites are reiterated in the mycoboreal precincts."
This is from a press release for the music of the band Infernal Method. Infernal indeed!!! Hope they're taking their medication! I've included a picture of one of their albums above. I bet their music would make your ears bleed.
This next one is probably just a bad interpretation, but an interpretation of what???
"Alternatively, you must follow my advice whenever I say 'maltose'." An English subtitle in a Hong Kong kung-fu movie
I would have had a hard time keeping from giggling if I'd been to the wedding where this was said:
"Come build with me a Temple, and not a Tavern, out of the lumber of our lives." Contributed by Rev. David Peterson
And finally a sentiment many of us could get behind:
"We don't all agree on everything. I don't agree with myself on everything." And that was said by America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference
Hope you've enjoyed these as much as I did.
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