John Lennon got in trouble saying that but I don't think I will. For one, not enough people are listening and number two, I think most people would agree with me. I am referring to the fan base that my newest granddaughter has. All her fans are making pilgrimages to see her, to have their pictures taken with her, to bask in her blue aura, to win a smile and dare we hope? to hear a laugh.
My pilgrimage took place about 1 1/2 weeks ago, right after Thanksgiving. I had not seen Alison since she was a month old. She had a powerful aura then, too, but she wasn't doing anything much except staring at my black rimmed glasses, drinking her Mama's mile and pooping and sleeping. I knew that I would see more of her wonders on this trip. I was not disappointed!
Ali was a little over 7 months old during my trip back to Wisconsin this time. I had been prepped by many pictures of her on her Daddy's blog, so I knew her eyes were more open and big and blue and that she was smiling and laughing. But pictures and the real thing are thousands of miles apart. It's the smell and the feeling of the skin that you can't get in the pictures. Baby smell should be bottled and if there was a moisturizer that made an adult's skin feel like a babies it would be the best seller of all time. Baby Skin, $1000 a bottle, and people would buy it! Pictures couldn't prepare me for the joy she exhibits when her clothes come off for a bath or the funny, slightly surprised, but not upset, look she gets on her face when the bath water drips down her face as her hair gets washed.
I was honored to help feed her and to witness the bedtime ritual of stories, with Goodnight Moon at the end. I was present when her first picture with Santa Claus was taken at the Mall of America with the REAL Santa Claus.
I ate breakfast dinner and lunch with her and saw three baths and many sessions on the floor with Shoe Shufflin' Sam and her Grandma W's "tag tree". I watched her "run" in her "ring of fun" as my son calls one of her toys. I witnessed her with her Daddy and her Mommy.
It was one of the best pilgrimages I have ever been on and I wish I could have brought back some of her smell and the feel of her skin. She is more popular than Jesus, and for good reason, if you ask me!
I vote for Alison.
hi mom -
glad to hear you are back to the blog - our mutual friend bookworm told me I could hear some much needed words of wisdom/experience from you on the fine art of dealing with daughters who have decided you no longer count in the grand equation of their 18 years of life...
...any you care to pass on?
If you like you can get my e-mail address from the worm - or I think she gave me yours...
any advice would be welcomed.
Ah, this is much more upbeat! Sounds like my first trip to Monteray to spend a few days with baby granddaughter Jessica.
It is truly amazing the flood of love that is reserved only and especially for Grandchildren. It isn't there for anyone else. Sometimes there is so much love that it makes me afraid.
Brown Shoes--I will be happy to say whatever it is I have to say about 18 year old daughters that hang you out to dry and the redemption that comes later. I'll check with Bookworm for your email or I'll post a blog about it or both. Loves!
She is an incredible BEAUTY. Wow. She's a pudgy little goddess. I am constantly amazed by the lack of cultural-mythology about how magnificent grandchildren can be in an older person's life. I see it as a strong, important, wisdom-and-love-passing bond. I have heard, throughout my life, that grandparents "spoil" grandchildren, and that most grandparents are good, loving people - but the strength or the connection isn't really (I mean seriously) noted. I don't know why. I hope you can see this little goddess often and kiss her and love her and be the adoring, wise grandmother you are with her. Lucky little girl.
I am so glad Ali is so loved. I feel guilty some days that I can't share her more -- on those days I take more pictures. We will all be there in just four short months!
As for Alison's fan base, it makes be feel strange sometimes knowing that so many people have seen her onthe internet. The joke has always been that we would be out somewhere and people would approach us saying "Look, it's baby Alison."
She is getting pretty famous! There are 45 people who work in this building and everyone sees her on my computer every day and even on my friend, Cindy's computer. Cindy loves babies so I let her have a few pictures of Ali to admire!
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