My Mate is just now getting on an airplane to go spend Christmas with his recently widowed Mother in Ventura, CA. I am lucky not to be going. I have the perfect excuse. I have to stay here and “take care” of my Mom’s Christmas. Last year I left the State and I am still being reminded of how “sad and desolate” my Mother’s Christmas was without me. It’s nice to be needed, but I don’t like being needed that much! If I left again I would be hearing about it until Kingdom Come or The Rapture, whichever comes first.
My Mate and his Mother are equal in their stubbornness, pigheadedness and stiff-neckedness! They are at a Greek Stand-Off, both wanting to have control of what happens in the future, now that life is without husband and father. I think Christmas in Ventura will be loud on Fiesta Lane. I will perversely be looking forward to the reports of what is happening down there while I wallow in the luxury of time alone.
I will be here, in my house in the woods, enjoying a quiet Christmas with hot cocoa, maybe a cinnamon roll, watching the squirrels and the birds duke it out for the black sunflower seeds and reading my delicious book. You might hear me purring…..
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