As of yesterday, the cooking/baking factory is CLOSED! I am done, at least for 2 weeks. The packages of baked goods have left the building and are on their way, through the mail routes to their destinations, Norfolk and San Diego. I also sent a big rescue vehicle toy to my Grandson, Alex, but the dang thing was a challenge to wrap--read that: ###$^%&&** hard. It would not fit into any of the boxes we had saved in the garage for sending things in and because of it's shape it couldn't just be wrapped in brown paper. I had to cut and tape and tape and cut other pieces of cardboard to wrap around it and then cut up paper bags to wrap the wrap. It was very odd-shaped by the time I was done and nearly waterproof because of all the tape.
Now it's just get the suitcase packed and wrap a few presents before I go on December 1, to Wisconsin. I put the Christmas tree up and got lights on it yesterday and a few ornaments. When I got home from my Mom's house yesterday, Michael had placed presents under it already. He is one of THOSE. He wraps things as he gets them. It seems so logical and organized, so why can't I do that? I always have to go into a frenzy of wrapping in order to get it done. I wrapped all of Michael's presents today, except for the one that isn't here yet. Then I got ready to walk out to get the paper and just as I was leaving the phone rang. At this time in my life I don't let the phone ring. It could be a crisis at my Mom's house or it could be Irene calling to say she is on her way to the hospital to have that new little granddaughter. As it turned out, it was Irene, reporting on her earlier report of two days ago, that she is dialated to 2 centimeters and is in lots of discomfort but that she is still hanging on. She had phone numbers to give me, lots of "just in case" information and new tales of Alison's antics. She has also made a list of Ali's idiosyncracies and her routines, just in case. She is doing the best job she possibly can to avert any "second baby" traumas.
By the time that phone call was over Michael had come hope with the paper, soI took off my coat and ate some lunch. Just as I was ready to go lay out all the stuff that had to go in my suitcase, I got another call. This time it was a Mom Crisis. "Chris! I'm at the Mall and I can't find my car. I have been everywhere and I just don't see itand I'm exhausted. Can you come and help?" So, off I went to the Mall and rescued Mom, whose car was on the other side of the Mall from where she'd been looking. After a few questions it was pretty easy to narrow it down.
So even though I am not baking, I am still cooking on all four burners. Now, if the snow will just hold off until I get to the airport on Saturday I will be a happy camper and on my way to a new, exciting adventure.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Cooking Factory
It's been a cooking factory around here this past week and today I'm taking a day off. Last week I baked three kinds of cookies and then made ALL of the Thanksgiving Dinner, except for a jar of baby dills! I'm tired of that stove and that counter and measuring cups and spoons, and chopping and basting and checking for doneness! Ack!!!! But next week I have to do it all over again because I have more bread to bake and one more batch of cookies before I fly off to Wisconsin on December 1. I have to get it all done and shipped, to say nothing of wrapping. But you know, even though I am tired of cooking/baking today, it is something I love to do and I couldn't do much of it if I was still working. I could have made the big turkey, etc., but bread and cookies wouldn't have been on the agenda. So why am I complaining?! Oh well, a little whine never hurt anybody. Today I am looking forward to Turkey Sandwiches, the best thing about Thanksgiving, in my book. With a little cranberry sauce in the sandwich and a nice big piece of lettuce--oooo, my mouth is watering.
We had a nice afternoon/evening yesterday--ate the lovely, delicious dinner (too quickly) with the music from "Cold Mountain" in the background, then played a game of Quiddler, while listening and singing to my Retirement Mixed CD, and with pumpkin pie and heaps of whipped cream, we watched "Flushed Away", one of those clever cartoon movies. I think my Mom and Brother are very happy that they have me to arrange all of this for them, otherwise they'd end up at Angel's Buffet! And this year it wasn't half the exhaustion I usually feel, which means retirement is helping my energy level! On a related matter, I went to the doctor last week, too, between batches of baked goods, and my blood pressure was much lower than it has been in years.
Today is going to be a very (sorry Bookworm) low blood pressure day because I'm not going to ask anything of myself, except to lounge around, read the next in the series of the Diana Gabaldon books I'm reading, a big fat one called The Fiery Cross, drink warm liquids and have that sandwich. And I do believe there will be leftovers for dinner.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Friendship Vows

After spending the day accompanying Bookworm to a doctor at the University of Washington medical center on Monday, it occurred to me that there could be vows said between friends and if one weren't willing to say these vows, then they would not be deemed a TRUE FRIEND. The vows would be something like this:
I promise to be your friend to love and to cherish,
In success and in failure
In fame and in obscurity
In pain and in contentment
During embarrassing medical examinations
During times of too much drink
During overweight and underweight
Regardless of lunatic sexual adventures
Whether we like ourselves or not
In silliness and soberness
In times of honesty or white lies
While in anguish or euphoria
While lost or found.
In times of direst need
I promise to hear every word
And never to judge
For as long as we both shall live and even after.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Ali Ice Skating
I know you are all aware of how extraordinary my Granddaughter, Alison, is, but lest you forget, here she is imitating an Olympic ice skater. I am impressed that she interacts with the little TV she is allowed to view, rather than sitting in front of it slack-jawed.
Photogenic Fall
I love the Fall. It's colorful, crispy chilly, full of plans for Halloween and for the coming holidays, for a new school year, for a new TV season. You can get prettier pictures in the Fall than at any other time of year and I'm always inspired to get outside with my camera. Here are a couple of pictures from this year and last year. I think this year has been one of our prettiest Falls. The picture above is the seedball that is left after a small clematis flower is done blooming.
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