Friday, November 23, 2007

Cooking Factory

It's been a cooking factory around here this past week and today I'm taking a day off. Last week I baked three kinds of cookies and then made ALL of the Thanksgiving Dinner, except for a jar of baby dills! I'm tired of that stove and that counter and measuring cups and spoons, and chopping and basting and checking for doneness! Ack!!!! But next week I have to do it all over again because I have more bread to bake and one more batch of cookies before I fly off to Wisconsin on December 1. I have to get it all done and shipped, to say nothing of wrapping. But you know, even though I am tired of cooking/baking today, it is something I love to do and I couldn't do much of it if I was still working. I could have made the big turkey, etc., but bread and cookies wouldn't have been on the agenda. So why am I complaining?! Oh well, a little whine never hurt anybody. Today I am looking forward to Turkey Sandwiches, the best thing about Thanksgiving, in my book. With a little cranberry sauce in the sandwich and a nice big piece of lettuce--oooo, my mouth is watering.

We had a nice afternoon/evening yesterday--ate the lovely, delicious dinner (too quickly) with the music from "Cold Mountain" in the background, then played a game of Quiddler, while listening and singing to my Retirement Mixed CD, and with pumpkin pie and heaps of whipped cream, we watched "Flushed Away", one of those clever cartoon movies. I think my Mom and Brother are very happy that they have me to arrange all of this for them, otherwise they'd end up at Angel's Buffet! And this year it wasn't half the exhaustion I usually feel, which means retirement is helping my energy level! On a related matter, I went to the doctor last week, too, between batches of baked goods, and my blood pressure was much lower than it has been in years.

Today is going to be a very (sorry Bookworm) low blood pressure day because I'm not going to ask anything of myself, except to lounge around, read the next in the series of the Diana Gabaldon books I'm reading, a big fat one called The Fiery Cross, drink warm liquids and have that sandwich. And I do believe there will be leftovers for dinner.

1 comment:

Clear Creek Girl said...

sounds delicious and wonderful. and and I am so jealous of yr upcomming trip. I love the fact that you actually do all that baking. Lucky MICHAEL! wE MUST GET TOGETHER ARound THE HOLIDaYS! \\Bookworm