Friday, October 21, 2005

Blog Discovery

I was just fooling around today and I found an interesting blog called The Movie Review Diary, . I found the reviews interesting but especially interesting were the comments on the reviews. Go there some time and see what you think. Also interesting is my friend Kay's new blog, called Book Worm. Her address is Check her out, too. She is a professional writer and always has interesting ideas about books, movies and life.


Clear Creek Girl said...

Thanks, Mom, for the movie review advice. Funny how this happens--when I was younger (from 20 to 45) I loved to see movies of all types. I wasn't bothered a whit by pathos or sadness or agony. Now - I want my movies to be on the happy side. There are exceptions, of course - Vera Drake, say, is one of my favorite films - and it isn't an upbeat film. But the acting is so beautiful. But ask me to watch Hotel Ruwanda (sp) and I'll likely say - huh-huh. Yesterday I watched (for the second time) The Madness of King George - and loved it all over again. Plus, I found a quote in it which I'll use for my dissertation. Something about madness. I now have to go out and find and rent the film in order to get the quote. The blogs are certainly interesting - have you taken a look at Middle Daughter's? I will find the number-thing for you - it is my friend Leslie and her writing is brutally honest and refreshing. It is wonderful to see what you write, for instance - it gives me a new insight into you. Today I'll blog somethingI was inspired to write while at Safeway yesterday. With movie reviews, though, I often do end up critiquing the reviews. The writer James Agee from the 30's and 40's has the best reviews ever - and is noted for them. He wrote "A Death in the Family" and won the Pulitizer, I think. And then died. Each review he wrote makes you slobber to see the movies. Yum. Yum. Good goin', Mom! Love, ClearCreek Girl.

Clear Creek Girl said...
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