Sunday, October 09, 2005

Virgin Blog

Okay, folks, this is my very first post to my very own blog. I have never had a blog and have only commented on other's blogs. So who will read this one? Maybe my kids. Who else would be interested in a 61 year old, happily married grandmother of 5? Well, who cares anyway? My daughter's blogs seem to be about their health and personal interests. My son's blog is pretty much one big rant. I think mine will be a combination of the two.

My rant for today? The credit union website, where I went to try to pay a bill. Some goofy page came up that asked if I had a new email address and when I told it I didn't, it wouldn't go anywhere, just sat there, mocking me. When I got out of that page and tried again, credit union told me, "Oh, no, can't log in twice!" Ack!!! So that's how I ended up here!


erinkristi said...

Oh, dear, I must rant about something other than my health and other interests! Let's about these dopey supreme court nominees that 43 has put forth? Geez louise! "Before we send them a name, make sure you burn all those background files, ok?" Stonewall Roberts and She'll-Never-Change Miers. Bruuuther.

Mom said...

Yeah!!! And what's this "she's the best one for the job" stuff? did he look at anybody else? I don't think so! He loves war and he's lazy!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to rant about how your comments are only for members!

Oh wait, you fixed that. Nevermind.